Thursday, October 17, 2013

Stages of development of the private Military robot, Boston Dynamics, which began initial copies final impressions and experiences these days ..

بوسطن دينامك تستمر فى انتاج الروبوتات القادره على تنفيذ مهام عسكريه و الغرض الاساسى منها هو مساعده الجنود فى

ارض المعركه و الان فيديو يستعرض حصان روبوتى قادر على تخطى اصعب التضاريس و بمرونه لا تستطيع المركبات العاديه اجتيازها , اما عن قدرات
هذا الروبوت فهو قادر على حمل معدات حتى 180 كيلو جرام و السير بها لمسافه 32 كيلومتر دون الحاجه للتزود بالوقود خلال هذه المسافه ومن أهم المزايا انه قادر على تتبع الاشخاص دون الحاجه للتحكم فيه من خلال و حدات تحكم عن بعد

يذكر ان بوسطن دينامك استعرضت منذ فتره كلب روبوتى قادر على الجرى بسرعه 28 ميل فى الساعه و قد استعرضناه فى فيديو سابق

Sunday, October 13, 2013 Mushroom Shape Use Friendly Wireless Bluetooth Speaker

For price and other detail:
Main Features:
Built in the wireless bluetooth
Support phone/laptop/tablet PC
Support TF card convenience to use
Wireless bluetooth audio transmit function
Adsorption type very convenience
Special mushroom appearance, fashionable
Receive AUX audio input from laptop/digital music player/PC/iPhone and so on

Support A2DP, AVRCP, headset, handsfree profile
Bluetooth version: V3.0
Working range: up to 10 m
Working time: 5 hours
Speaker: (φ)40MM
Loudspeaker output: 3 w
Frequency response: 280Hz-16kHz
Signal-to-Noise: ≧95dB
Distortion: ≦0.5%
Battery voltage/capacity: 320mAh
Battery charging voltage: 5V±0.5V
Battery charge time: 2 hours
Photo: Mushroom Shape Use Friendly Wireless Bluetooth Speaker

For price and other detail:
Main Features:
Built in the wireless bluetooth
Support phone/laptop/tablet PC
Support TF card convenience to use
Wireless bluetooth audio transmit function
Adsorption type very convenience
Special mushroom appearance, fashionable
Receive AUX audio input from laptop/digital music player/PC/iPhone and so on

Support A2DP, AVRCP, headset, handsfree profile
Bluetooth version: V3.0
Working range: up to 10 m
Working time: 5 hours
Speaker: (φ)40MM
Loudspeaker output: 3 w
Frequency response: 280Hz-16kHz
Signal-to-Noise: ≧95dB
Distortion: ≦0.5%
Battery voltage/capacity: 320mAh
Battery charging voltage: 5V±0.5V
Battery charge time: 2 hours

Special Ops Uniform Will Transform Commandos Into an Iron Man Army
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Army researchers are developing an advanced military uniform that would turn a special ops commando into Iron Man.
Army researchers are developing an advanced military uniform that would turn a special ops commando into Iron Man.
The Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit, or TALOS, will deliver “superhuman strength with greater ballistic protection” by providing a powered exoskeleton to haul heavier equipment, liquid armor capable of stopping bullets, built-in computers and night vision, as well as the ability to monitor vital signs and apply wound-sealing foam. Put together, the capabilities would make the already elite Special Operation Forces nearly invincible in the field, says the Army.
“[The] requirement is a comprehensive family of systems in a combat armor suit where we bring together an exoskeleton with innovative armor, displays for power monitoring, health monitoring, and integrating a weapon into that — a whole bunch of stuff that RDECOM is playing heavily in,” said Lt. Col. Karl Borjes, a U.S. Army Research, Development and Engineering Command (RDECOM) science adviser, in a statement.
Among that “bunch of stuff,” MIT engineers are working on a liquid body armor made of magnetorheological fluids that “transform from liquid to solid in milliseconds when a magnetic field or electrical current is applied,” according to the Army.
TALOS, which shares the name of the mythological Greek automaton made of bronze that Zeus assigned to protect his lover Europa, is expected to make a first-generation appearance some time next year.
“I’m very committed to this,” said U.S. Special Operations Command chief Adm. William McRaven to a group of industry representatives at a TALOS presentation in July. “I’d like that last operator that we lost to be the last...
Special Ops Uniform Will Transform Commandos Into an Iron Man Army 

Watch the video:
Read full:
Army researchers are developing an advanced military uniform that would turn a special ops commando into Iron Man.

Army researchers are developing an advanced military uniform that would turn a special ops commando into Iron Man.

The Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit, or TALOS, will deliver “superhuman strength with greater ballistic protection” by providing a powered exoskeleton to haul heavier equipment, liquid armor capable of stopping bullets, built-in computers and night vision, as well as the ability to monitor vital signs and apply wound-sealing foam. Put together, the capabilities would make the already elite Special Operation Forces nearly invincible in the field, says the Army.

“[The] requirement is a comprehensive family of systems in a combat armor suit where we bring together an exoskeleton with innovative armor, displays for power monitoring, health monitoring, and integrating a weapon into that — a whole bunch of stuff that RDECOM is playing heavily in,” said Lt. Col. Karl Borjes, a U.S. Army Research, Development and Engineering Command (RDECOM) science adviser, in a statement.

Among that “bunch of stuff,” MIT engineers are working on a liquid body armor made of magnetorheological fluids that “transform from liquid to solid in milliseconds when a magnetic field or electrical current is applied,” according to the Army.

TALOS, which shares the name of the mythological Greek automaton made of bronze that Zeus assigned to protect his lover Europa, is expected to make a first-generation appearance some time next year.

“I’m very committed to this,” said U.S. Special Operations Command chief Adm. William McRaven to a group of industry representatives at a TALOS presentation in July.  “I’d like that last operator that we lost to be the last...
A lamp in the form of flower!

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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Before going to the difference between microprocessor and micro controller, let’s see the brief introduction of micro processor and micro controller


The microprocessor is a small computer or CPU (central processing unit) used to do arithmetic and logical operation, controlling the system and storing the data etc. the micro processor will process the data of the input/output peripherals and give the results back to them to function. The first commercial Microprocessor was released by Intel in year 1971 November named as 4004. It is 4-bit micro processor. But first micro processor was development by Garrett Research’s in the year 1968.  Block diagram of microcontroller shown below:
The initial Microprocessor uses the Von-Neumann architecture. In the Von Neumann architecture the data memory and program memory are placed in one memory. If processor wants to process an instruction from memory or request from the I/O, it has to get instruction through a bus from the memory or I/O, Place it in the registers and process it in the registers. Processor can save the result in the memory through the bus. But this architecture has some drawbacks like it is slow and data operations cannot occur at the same time because they share the same common bus. Later Harvard architecture is developed. In the Harvard architecture the data memory and program memory are placed as separate memory and separate buses are connected to communicate each other. There are also two types of CPU micro programming and hardwired programming. Microprogramming is slow when compared to hardwired. Hardwired implementation is mainly of logic gates and passive elements. Microcode is used  to in the microprogramming.
Microprocess Architecture Models
The instruction set architecture (ISA) also plays an important role in the microprocessors. There are different instructions set architecture microprocessors available in them market. They are
  1. Complex programming Instruction Set Computer:  this was first ISA. In the complex instruction set computer (CISC) instruction set is complex instructions which will take long time to execute; complex instruction may consist of opcode addressing mode operand etc.  The execution speed will be slow. X86 architecture is example
  2. Reduced Instruction Set Computer: in the reduced instruction set computer (RISC) the instruction set will be small and execution speed will be fast. The implementation is simple and does not require complex architecture. RISC is widely used in embedded applications. SHARC and POWERPC use RISC.
There are other architecture like Very Long Instruction word (VLIW) and FUSION of RISC AND CISC architecture etc.
Microprocessor should be chosen according to the application for small application you don’t need CISC. You cannot use RISC for large application. According to the application and peripherals you are using micro processor should be taken.
It is also a small computer in which CPU, memory unit (RAM, ROM), I/O peripherals, timers, counters, are embedded in one integrated circuit(IC) where as in the microprocessor all these units are combined on a board through buses. Microcontroller can be interfaced easily to external peripherals like serial ports, ADC, DAC, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, etc. the interfacing process is fast when compared to the microprocessor interfacing. The most of microcontroller uses RISC architecture. There are also some microcontroller uses CISC architecture like 8051, motorolla, etc.
Difference Between Microprocessor and Microcontroller:
  • Architecture: Most of the microprocessors use CISC and Von-Neumann architecture. There microprocessors used Harvard and RISC also. But popularly microprocessor uses CISC. Where as Microcontroller uses RISC and Harvard architecture. But there are some microcontroller uses CISC architecture like 8051 and SHARC. Microprocessor has ROM, RAM, secondary storage memory I/O peripherals, timers; counters etc are placed on a board and connected through buses where as in the microcontroller all these peripherals are combined in a single integrated circuit (IC).
  • CPU Speed: Processors are more speed than controllers because of the clock. Processors can have high clock rate, even if they become heat due to over clock rate the heat sink will stop from over heating. Controllers may be slow when compared to the processors but they are reliably fast. The execution speed will always depends up on the clock. If we take the overall performance and application execution speed microcontroller will be fast because all the peripherals are inbuilt. Processors will be slow because it has get every resource from outside of the cpu through buses
  • Design Time: The design an application microcontroller will take less time when compared to the processor. The interfacing between the peripherals and programming them will be easy when compared to the processor.
  • Protection: if you programmed the microcontroller it is hard to get the program from the Rom by other users. The rom will be locked and it is very hard to retrieve the program from the rom of microcontroller. Processor will not give that much protection to its program.
  • Cost: cost of microprocessors and implementing microprocessor based systems will be costly when compared to the microcontroller based system. The microprocessor system will never be a compact system. Most of the microcontroller based systems are compact systems
  • Applications: processors are mainly used in computation systems, defense systems, network communications etc. microcontrollers are mainly used in embedded application like watches, cellphone, mp3 player, etc.
What ever is the difference between controllers and processors, processors cannot be replaced by controllers and controllers cannot be replaced by processors. Each of them have unique way of usage in application development.
In our circuit, we use Boolean algebra simplification methods like the Quine-McCluskey algorithm to simplify the Boolean expression and display the output on the display. It works as a portable calculator to simplify the Boolean expression on the fly.

Boolean Algebra Calculator Circuit Features:

  • Portable
  • Fast
  • Low power
  • Low cost
  • Reliable

Block Diagram of Boolean Algebra Calculator:

Boolean Algebra Calculator
Figure 2.1. Block Diagram of Boolean Expression Minimization Calculator
Block Diagram Description:
Above figure shows the basic block diagram of the project. Now let us discuss all the blocks in detail:
Power Supply:
It can be defined as a device that supplies electrical energy to one or more electric loads. The term is most commonly applied to devices that convert one form of electrical energy to another, though it may also refer to devices that convert another form of energy (e.g., mechanical, chemical, solar) to electrical energy.In our project a supply mains that is 5volt d.C. is given to the microcontroller,LED’s , keypad, display.
Microcontroller ATMEGA 16L is used for the automation purpose and acts as brain of the project. It controls the output (Display) according to the input given to it.
For more information about microcontrollers, Read All About Microcontrollers
The Display used here is 3 Bicolor LED’s. The Glowing Pattern of LED’s represent the desired minimized expression.
In this project series of switches have been used as keypad, is used to give the input (minterms) expression. Each digit on the keypad corresponds to one minterm each.

Boolean Algebra Calculator Circuit Diagram:

Boolean Algebra Calculator Circuit
Circuit Schematic:
This circuit is a simple 3 variable Boolean expression minimizer. It uses the Quine McCluskey algorithm which was described in the chapter 1.In this the microcontroller plays a major role, it consists of code to implement the described algorithm as well as controlls other components in the circuit.
Initially when the power is switched on an LED will glow which indicates that the microcontroller is ready to take the input. Here the input boolean expression is given in SOP form, i.e only minterms are to be entered through the keypad provided.
The keypad consists of 9 switches of which 8 switches corresponds to one minterm each and the 9th one is used as next button.After entering the expression the input indicating LED will go OFF, now based on the algorithm microcontroller reduces the expression and the input representing LED glows which means that the expression has been minimized and is displayed.
The display consists of 3 Bi-color LED’s in which Green Light represents the variables in normal form and the rest Red Light represents the variables in the complemented form, the order of them is as shown in the circuit diagram.
The output is displayed as one minterm at a time, next minterm is displayed by pressing the next button and after reaching the last minterm of the reduced expression the input indicating LED is switched OFF which represents end of the output. After few seconds it is again switched ON automatically when microcontroller is ready to take the next input.

Introduction to Microcontroller:

A microcontroller (μC or uC) is a solitary chip microcomputer fabricated from VLSI fabrication. A micro controller is also known as embedded controller. Today various types of microcontrollers are available in market with different word lengths such as 4bit, 8bit, 64bit and 128bit microcontrollers. Microcontroller is a compressed micro computer manufactured to control the functions of embedded systems in office machines, robots, home appliances, motor vehicles, and a number of other gadgets. A microcontroller is comprises components like- memory, peripherals and most importantly a processor. Microcontrollers are basically employed in devices that need a degree of control to be applied by the user of the device.

Microcontroller Basics:

Any electric appliance that stores, measures, displays information or calculates comprise of a microcontroller chip inside it. The basic structure of a microcontroller comprise of:-
  1. CPU- Microcontrollers brain is named as CPU. CPU is the device which is employed to fetch data, decode it and at the end complete the assigned task successfully. With the help of CPU all the components of microcontroller is connected into a single system. Instruction fetched by the programmable memory is decoded by the CPU.
  2. Memory – In a microcontroller memory chip works same as microprocessor. Memory chip stores all programs & data. Microcontrollers are built with certain amount of ROM or RAM (EPROM, EEPROM, etc) or flash memory for the storage of program source codes.
  3. Input/output ports – I/O ports are basically employed to interface or drive different appliances such as- printers, LCD’s, LED’s, etc.
  4. Serial Ports – These ports give serial interfaces amid microcontroller & various other peripherals such as parallel port.
  5. Timers – A microcontroller may be in-built with one or more timer or counters. The timers & counters control all counting & timing operations within a microcontroller. Timers are employed to count external pulses. The main operations performed by timers’ are- pulse generations, clock functions, frequency measuring, modulations, making oscillations, etc.
  6. ADC (Analog to digital converter) – ADC is employed to convert analog signals to digital ones. The input signals need to be analog for ADC. The digital signal production can be employed for different digital applications (such as- measurement gadgets).
  7. DAC (digital to analog converter) – this converter executes opposite functions that ADC perform. This device is generally employed to supervise analog appliances like- DC motors, etc.
  8. Interpret Control- This controller is employed for giving delayed control for a working program. The interpret can be internal or external.
  9. Special Functioning Block – Some special microcontrollers manufactured for special appliances like- space systems, robots, etc, comprise of this special function block. This special block has additional ports so as to carry out some special operations.

Types of Microcontroller:

Microcontrollers are divided into categories according to their memory, architecture, bits and instruction sets. So let’s discuss types of microcontrollers:-
  • 8 bits microcontroller executes logic & arithmetic operations. Examples of 8 bits micro controller is Intel 8031/8051.
  • 16 bits microcontroller executes with greater accuracy and performance in contrast to 8-bit. Example of 16 bit microcontroller is Intel 8096.
  • 32 bits microcontroller is employed mainly in automatically controlled appliances such as office machines, implantable medical appliances, etc. It requires 32-bit instructions to carry out any logical or arithmetic function.
  • External Memory Microcontroller – When an embedded structure is built with a microcontroller which does not comprise of all the functioning blocks existing on a chip it is named as external memory microcontroller. For illustration- 8031 microcontroller does not have program memory on the chip.
  • Embedded Memory Microcontroller – When an embedded structure is built with a microcontroller which comprise of all the functioning blocks existing on a chip it is named as embedded memory microcontroller. For illustration- 8051 microcontroller has all program & data memory, counters & timers, interrupts, I/O ports and therefore its embedded memory microcontroller.
Instruction Set:
  • CISC- CISC means complex instruction set computer, it allows the user to apply 1 instruction as an alternative to many simple instructions.
  • RISC- RISC means Reduced Instruction Set Computers. RISC reduces the operation time by shortening the clock cycle per instruction.
Memory Architecture:
  • Harvard Memory Architecture Microcontroller
  • Princeton Memory Architecture Microcontroller

8051 microcontroller:

The most universally employed set of microcontrollers come from the 8051 family. 8051 Microcontrollerspersist to be an ideal choice for a huge group of hobbyists and experts. In the course of 8051, the humankind became eyewitness to the most ground-breaking set of microcontrollers. The original 8051 microcontroller was initially invented by Intel. The two other members of this 8051 family are-
  • 8052- This microcontroller has 3 timers & 256 bytes of RAM. Additionally it has all the features of the traditional 8051 microcontroller. 8051 microcontroller is a subset of 8052 microcontroller.
  • 8031- This microcontroller is ROM less, other than that it has all the features of a traditional 8051 microcontroller. For execution an external ROM of size 64K bytes can be added to its chip.
8051 microcontroller brings into play 2 different sorts of memory such as- NV-RAM, UV-EPROM and Flash.

8051 Microcontroller Architecture:

8051 microcontroller is an eight bit microcontroller launched in the year 1981 by Intel Corporation. It is available in 40 pin DIP (dual inline package). It has 4kb of ROM (on-chip programmable space) and 128 bytes of RAM space which is inbuilt, if desired 64KB of external memory can be interfaced with the microcontroller. There are four parallel 8 bits ports which are easily programmable as well as addressable. An on-chip crystal oscillator is integrated in the microcontroller which has crystal frequency of 12MHz. In the microcontroller there is a serial input/output port which has 2 pins. Two timers of 16 bits are also incorporated in it; these timers can be employed as timer for internal functioning as well as counter for external functioning. The microcontroller comprise of 5 interrupt sources namely- Serial Port Interrupt, Timer Interrupt 1, External Interrupt 0, Timer Interrupt 0, External Interrupt 1. The programming mode of this micro-controller includes GPRs (general purpose registers), SFRs (special function registers) and SPRs (special purpose registers).

PIC Microcontroller:

Peripheral Interface Controller (PIC) provided by Micro-chip Technology to categorize its solitary chip microcontrollers. These appliances have been extremely successful in 8 bit micro-controllers. The foremost cause behind it is that Micro-chip Technology has been constantly upgrading the appliance architecture and included much required peripherals to the micro-controller to go well with clientele necessities. PIC microcontrollers are very popular amid hobbyists and industrialists; this is only cause of wide availability, low cost, large user base & serial programming capability.

PIC Microcontroller Architecture:

 The architecture of the 8 bit PIC microcontrollers can be categorized as below -
  1. Base Line Architecture - In the base-line architecture PIC microcontrollers of PIC10F family is included, other than that a fraction of PIC12 & PIC16 families are also included. These gadgets make use of 12 bit program word architecture with six to twenty-eight pin package alternatives.  Briefly defined attribute set of baseline architecture allows the most lucrative product solutions. This architecture is perfect for battery enabled gadgets. The PIC10F200 series is another reasonably priced 8 bit flash micro-controller with a 6 pin package.
  2. Mid Range Architecture - In this midline member of PIC12 & PIC16 families are added that attribute 14 bit program word architecture. The midrange PIC16 gadgets proffer a broad variety of package alternatives (from 8 to 64 package), with low to high levels of peripheral incorporation. This PIC16 appliance attributes a variety of analog, digital & serial peripherals, like- SPI, USART, I2C, USB, LCD & A/D converters. The mid-range PIC16 micro-controllers have suspended controlling ability with an eight level hardware load.
  3. High Performance Architecture - The high performance architecture included the PIC18 family of appliances. These micro-controllers make use of 16 bit program word architecture along with 18 to 100 pin package alternatives. The PIC18 appliances are high performance micro-controllers with incorporated Analog to Digital converters. All PIC18 micro-controllers integrate a highly developed RISC architecture that supports flash appliances. The PIC18 has improved foundation attributes, 32 level deep load and several inner and exterior interrupts.
Note: List of Top PIC Microcontroller Projects for Engineering Students

AVR Microcontroller:

AVR also known as Advanced Virtual RISC, is a customized Harvard architecture 8 bit RISC solitary chip micro-controller. It was invented in the year 1966 by Atmel. Harvard architecture signifies that program & data are amassed in different spaces and are used simultaneously. It was one of the foremost micro-controller families to employ on-chip flash memory basically for storing program, as contrasting to one time programmable EPROM, EEPROM or ROM, utilized by other micro-controllers at the same time. Flash memory is a non-volatile (constant on power down) programmable memory.

AVR Microcontroller Architecture:

AVR microcontrollers’ architecture was developed by Alf-Egil Bogen and Vegard Wollan. The name AVR is derived from the names of the architecture developers of the microcontroller. The AT90S8515 was the foremost micro-controller which was AVR architecture based; on the other hand the foremost micro-controller to strike the commercial marketplace was AT90S1200 which was launched in the year 1997.
The SRAM, Flash and EEPROM all are incorporated on a single chip, thereby eliminating the requirement of any other external memory in maximum devices. Several appliances comprise of parallel external bus alternative, so as to add extra data memory gadgets. Approximately all appliances, except TinyAVR chips comprise serial interface, which is used to link large serial Flash & EEPROMs chips.

AMR Microcontroller:

AMR is the name of a company that designs micro-processors architecture. It is also engaged in licensing them to the producers who fabricate genuine chips. In actuality AMR is a 32 bit genuine RISC architecture. It was initially developed in the year 1980 by Acorn Computers Ltd. This AMR base microprocessor does not have on-board flash memory. ARM is particularly designed for micro-controller devices, it is simple to be trained and make use of, however powerful enough for the most challenging embedded devices.

AMR Microcontroller Architecture:

The AMR architecture is a 32 bit RISC processor developed by ARM Ltd. Owing to its power-saving attributes, ARM central processing units are prevailing in the mobile electronics marketplace, where less power expenditure is a vital design aim. ARM architecture comprise of the underneath RISC elements:-
  • Maximum single cycle functioning
  • Constant 16×32 bit register file.
  • Load or store architecture.
  • Preset instruction width of 32 bits so as to simplify pipelining and decoding, at minimized code density.
  • For misaligned memory access there is no support.

Microcontroller Applications:

Microcontrollers are intended for embedded devices, in comparison to the micro-processors which are used in PCs or other all-purpose devices. Microcontrollers are employed in automatically managed inventions and appliances like- power tools, implantable medical devices, automobile engine control systems, , office machines, remote controls appliances, toys and many more embedded systems. By dipping the size and expenditure in comparison to a design that make use of a different micro-processor, I/O devices and memory, micro-controllers formulate it inexpensive to digitally control more & more appliances and operations. Mixed signal micro-controllers are general; putting together analog constituents required controlling non-digital electronic structures.

Application of Microcontroller in Day to Day Life Devices:

  • Light sensing & controlling devices
  • Temperature sensing and controlling devices
  • Fire detection & safety devices
  • Industrial instrumentation devices
  • Process control devices

Application of microcontroller in Industrial Control Devices:

  • Industrial instrumentation devices
  • Process control devices

Application of microcontroller in Metering & Measurement Devices:

  • Volt Meter
  • Measuring revolving objects
  • Current meter
  • Hand-held metering systems